Development Fund Booklet
The main aim of the IPSF Development Fund is to give each and every pharmacy student an equal opportunity to fully participate in IPSF activities. This opportunity is also intended to help students promote iPSF within their schools of pharmacy and countries. Currently, the IPSF Development Fund Committee releases a total of 5 grants per year:
- Association/ Organisation level
- Membership grant
- Project grant, biannual
- Members level
- World Congress event grant
- Regional symposium event grant
- Student Exchange Program grant
The Basic Process of Grant Release and Awarding
- Guidelines take multiple factors into consideration, including the United Nations and World Bank country ranking, application organisation and multiple other factors
Association/Organisation Level Grants
- We offer three different grants during one IPSF term (October 2019 to October 2020). An organisation may receive a maximum of two organisation-level grants within a one-year term of the Development Fund Committee.