البيرو, APEFyB
Area possibilities
- Community Pharmacy : Internship in Apothecary/Drug Store (Storage, Dispensing, Counseling, Reception and Distribution)
- Hospital Pharmacy: Internship in Hospital (Storage, Dispensing, Purchasing, Supply, Distribution, Visiting)
- Research: Internship in Universities and Research Institutes (Natural Products, Molecular Synthesis, Biotechnology, Cosmetics, Toxicology, etc.)
- Pharmaceutical industry
Length of training periods
From 2 weeks to 1 month
WINTER SEP: December - March
SUMMER SEP: April - September
Other months of the year, subject to availability
Available months and cities
- Community Pharmacy/ Cusco.
- Hospital Pharmacy/ Lima and Huancayo
- Research / Lima, Huancayo and Iquitos.
- Pharmaceutical industry/ Lima.
- Period
** Students can be 2 weeks in one city and 2 weeks in another, if there are availability of places.
** The cities and places will be located according to the order of acceptance of students interested in SEP Apefyb, Peru.
Type accommodation
Students have 2 possibilities: stay with a host family or stay in a hostel or air bnb.
1st option: The accommodations are usually in the rooms of the houses of the students or their relatives where payment for basic services must be made only if the owners so require. This option is only if there is any host available.
2nd option: The SEP Peru team helps you find the best accommodation (hostel, hotel, air bnb) for your stay in Peru.
Board, pocket money or other financial benefits/remuneration
- Board paid by the student/ the host association/ employer/ others? No
- Spending money provided (Yes / No)? No
- Other remuneration: No
- Approximate money students will need for food/trips/or additional deposit: 10-20$ per day
Language requirements
Spanish (fluently) English
Other requirements
Minimum year of study: 3rd year
Information on Work Permits and Visa
- type of visa students need to have: Tourist Visa For further information, please visit The Peruvian Embassy in your country and check this link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_BsDYxM6hVyVmFkeTdGc1hEVXc
- Countries like Bolivia, Colombia, Argentina, Brasil, Chile only requires National Identy Document.
Selection Procedures
Choice of the exchange student made by the SEO according to: - Order of application with a deadline of 1 month before the SEP - Availability of the preferred period of exchange - Availability of the preferred area of exchange