كوريا الجنوبية, KNAPS
Area possibilities
** DL: 15th Feb. 2025 23:59 GMT+9 **
KNAPS offers two types of programs to the incoming students: 'Visiting program' and 'Research Program'.
Make sure to write down which program you apply for.
- Visiting Program (2 weeks) : 30/6/24-13/7/24
Visiting Program introduces various pharmaceutical institutions such as pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry, hospital, community pharmacy, and public organization. We meet everyday and spend the whole 2 weeks together.
-Public Organization: National Forensic Service, K-FDA, National Health Insurance Service, Korean Association Against Drug Abuse, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Intelligence Service etc.
-Industry: Samsung Biologics, Hanmi, Handok, Chong Kun Dang, Amore Pacific, Boryung etc.
-University Hospital: Seoul National University Hospital etc.
-Community Pharmacy
-Others: Korea Pharmacist Association, Korea Pharmaceutical and Bio-Pharma Manufactures Association, Korea National Enterprise for Clinical Trials etc
- Research program (2~4weeks) : July & August
Students take part in the laboratory in pharmacy schools. We meet 3 times a week after work (6 p.m) to socialize.
!! Please tell us which field you are interested in researching on your CV/ML!!
<2024 summer research internship laboratory list> (Will continue to update) -Kyunghee Univ.: Lab of Drug Delivery
-Sungkyunkwan Univ.: Lab of Pharmocognosy
-Sungkyunkwan Univ.: Lab of Toxicology
-Ewha Womans Univ.: Lab of Molecular Immunobiology
-Chung-Ang Univ.: Lab of Pharmacotherapy
-Chung-Ang Univ.: Lab of Biomedicine
-Chung-Ang Univ.: Lab of Preventive Pharmacy
-Cha Univ.: Lab of Clinical Medicine
-Duksung Women's Univ.: Lab of Clinical Pharmacy
-Yonsei Univ. in Songdo: Lab of Physiology
-Seoul National Univ.: Lab of New Drug Development
-Seoul National Univ.: Lab of Biochemistry(Protein Structure)
-Seoul National Univ.: Lab of Pharmacology
-Seoul National Univ.: Lab of Immunology
-Gacheon Univ.: Lab of Microbiome
-Pusan Univ.:Lab of microbiology
Check out the testimonials written by the past Incoming SEPers from here:
www.knaps.or.kr → Menu → [SEP] → Testimonials; SEP incoming https://knaps.or.kr/category/%5BSEP%5D%20%EC%95%BD%EB%8C%80%EC%83%9D%20%EA%B5%90%ED%99%98%ED%95%99%EC%83%9D%20%ED%94%84%EB%A1%9C%EA%B7%B8%EB%9E%A8/Testimonials%20%3A%20SEP%20Incoming
Instagram: @sep.korea
Length of training periods
Visiting Program: 6/29 - 7/12, 2025 (tentative schedule) Expected cost: 400,000KRW (accommodation excluded)
Research Program: 2~4 weeks, July&August Expected cost: 100,000KRW/week (accommodation excluded)
Please be aware of the difference between Visiting Program and Research program when you apply.
Available months and cities
Available cities: Seoul(mainly), Suwon, Incheon
Available months: July&August
Type accommodation
Accommodation not provided, however, we match the exchange students with a chaperone to help them find a suitable one.
- Exchange students mostly stay in a guesthouse,hostel or airbnb. (15,000KRW~40,000KRW/night)
- Research Program : recommend to find a room near their schools since they need to go to work every week.
Visiting Program : recommend to find a room in Hongdae.
Airport pick-up & drop-off service: 10000 KRW/way, SEP team staff accompanied, use public transportation
Board, pocket money or other financial benefits/remuneration
Financial benefits are not provided.
Language requirements
Other requirements
!! PLEASE double check whether you need any paperwork with covid or visa !! Currently there is no quarantine nor requred PCR negative test before boarding. However, this may vary from country to country.
- Visiting Program
Passport will be needed during the whole period.
- Research Program
Junior~Senior, or graduate school student
Having experience in laboratory may be preferred
Information on Work Permits and Visa
Invitation Letter will be issued for students who need visa.
Selection Procedures
- Selection Process will be done by SEO.
- Selection will be completed in mid-February in the earliest to March at the latest(tentative).
- More details are provided in our 2023-24 Booklet (https://issuu.com/knapssep/docs/sepbooklet23-24_final)
- Instagram: @sep.korea
- Contact: IPSF Student Exchange Officer of KNAPS, [email protected]
Information updated 8th of January, 2024