Call for Action on Interprofessional Collaboration and Education
Interprofessional Collaboration and Education
Our Health Systems are facing a growing number of threats, not only the recent pandemic but also issues like antimicrobial resistance, climate change, patient safety and non-communicable diseases. With all the threats that our health systems face, only through a strong multidisciplinary approach can we solve these common challenges, guaranteeing the efficiency, sustainability and best possible health outcomes of our health-care.
With this in mind, IFMSA European Region and IPSF European Regional Office started an initiative that aims to highlight the importance of Interprofessional Collaboration and Education in solving one of the worst threats we are and are going to face, the Health Workforce crisis.
Check our Call for Action on Interprofessional Collaboration and Education: Building a Sustainable Health Workforce endorsed by a number of European and International Student Organizations, such as IADS, EPSA, EFPSA, EDSA and EMSA!