ماليزيا, MyPSA

Total number of places per year (approximately)
Visit the website
Area possibilities

We regularly put up our updates on our social media. Hence, if you are interested in joining our programme, do follow us to get the most updated information for our programme from the following links:-

  1. MyPSA SEP Booklet: https://bit.ly/407WmcA
  2. MyPSA SEP Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/sep.malaysia
  3. MyPSA SEP Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/sep.malaysia/

The field and length of training of each field offered are as follows:- 1. Community (2 weeks) 2. Research (preferably 4 weeks or more) 3. Visiting Programme - TBC (1 week)

Length of training periods

A minimum of 40 working hours (2 weeks), up to students' preference and hosts' availability is required.

Available months and cities

Our available month (For incoming students) For Summer SEP: Late July to Early September (Exact dates to be discussed with SEO)

We will try to place all incoming students around the city area in Kuala Lumpur or Penang which are among the most modern cities in Malaysia.

Type accommodation

Our team will locate the best stay for you based on your preference and budget. (RM 80-200/night) 1. University Hostel 2. Backpacker Hostel 3. Hotel 4. Foster Family (Not applicable)

For a more detailed breakdown and view, kindly refer to the SEP booklet provided above.

Board, pocket money or other financial benefits/remuneration

The base expected expenses vary according to person, ranging from RM1500 - RM2500 ( 300 - 500 euros) per month. (This does not include additional travel expenses) It depends on the student themselves but generally, the living expenses in Malaysia will be lower than in most countries.

NO financial benefits would be provided unless stated. The internships will not be paid by the host unless stated.

For applicants who are interested, we could help you in applying for the SEP grant however this is not guaranteed.

Students are advised to prepare sufficient money for their own expenses in case of any emergencies. Additional fees are also required to cover the quarantine and Covid-19 testing.

Language requirements

Languages spoken in Malaysia:

  1. Malay
  2. English
  3. Mandarin
  4. Tamil

Proficiency in English is enough as it is commonly spoken here. Do not worry about the language barrier, as most of us can speak at least three languages and above!

Other requirements

Anyone with the heart and passion is welcome to join! For research, it is advisable for those in their final years; however, do check with us on the availability. Meanwhile, for hospital placements they are more specific and requires more documents for verification and application purposes.

Students will be asked for their academic transcript, a supporting letter from the university/association, and a copy of their resume and motivational letter.

Information on Work Permits and Visa

Visa is available for online application in certain countries. However, students have to double-check with their local immigration department or your local SEO about the visa application. This is usually required for students who plan to stay for more than 30 days only.

Selection Procedures

Students who wish to complete their SEP abroad would require the submission of a motivational letter (ML) and curriculum vitae (CV). SEO will then conduct selection procedures. For more information, please feel free to email Malaysia's SEO, [email protected]

The information on this page was last updated on: December 24, 2024 12:34