مصر, ASPSA

Total number of places per year (approximately)
Visit the website
Area possibilities

Winter SEP and SUMMER SEP We offer: - Research at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandria University - Community Pharmacy - Industrial training - Hospital Pharmacy - Clinical training

Most of our training sites are located in community pharmacies, research at the university and industrial training. We have limited placements in hospital pharmacy and clinical training.

Length of training periods

Winter SEP: 2 weeks depending on each year (mostly during February and beginning of March)

Summer SEP: The training program lasts for three weeks, However, longer training schedules (up to one month) could be arranged with the SEO.

Available months and cities

Training programs are offered in Alexandria, Egypt during both. Winter SEP: February- March & Summer SEP: July- September

Type accommodation

Winter and Summer SEP: - Shared apartments - Host Family - Hostel where all SEPers from all associations are checked in for engagement, Socialising and sharing different Cultures.

Board, pocket money or other financial benefits/remuneration

Regretfully, we do not provide pocket money, financial benefits or any other form of remuneration.

Language requirements

Basic knowledge of English language is required.

Other requirements

Students are eligible to participate in the program upon the completion of their first year at Pharmacy School.

NB. Graduate students can also participate in the program no later than two years following their graduation.

Information on Work Permits and Visa

Visa requirements vary according to student's nationality: - European and US citizens can obtain a visa at the airport.

  • Students from other countries need an invitation letter issued from ASPSA (upon their request) to be submitted to the Egyptian Embassy at their countries.

Work Permits are not required.

NB. Kindly contact the Egyptian Embassy at your country, for more specific information regarding visa requirements.

Selection Procedures

The selection process is carried out by the SEO. Students have to apply at least two months before the date of their exchange.

For more information, please contact: [email protected]

Last Updated on 24th of November 2023

The information on this page was last updated on: October 11, 2024 15:16