IPSF Statement on COVID-19 Responsove during the 73rd World Health Assembly - Virtual Meeting May 2020
The 73rd World Health Assembly began today and is being held online for the first time in history. It will be taking place over two days; 18th & 19th May 2020 where member states, and other delegates of the assembly will gather virtually to take part. The agenda for this year’s WHA has been amended due to the current situation regarding COVID-19, therefore the only agenda point being discussed will be ‘COVID Pandemic Response’.
In light of this agenda change, IPSF has submitted a statement on this topic highlighting the great work of our member organisations in their local initiatives. IPSF also reinforced the importance of supporting the mental health of healthcare workers and ensuring adequate PPE for frontline workers.
Check out the full statement here: https://extranet.who.int/nonstateactorsstatements/content/international-pharmaceutical-students-federation-36