Compounding Quiz - Guidelines 2019
Compounding Quiz Guidelines 2019
1. Description
Compounding Quiz is the first online competition held regarding Compounding, by Professional Development, IPSF Team 2018-19. This competition is about compounding which is participated by pharmacy students around the world. This competition is held in two online rounds. Participants are asked to answer questions about compounding and work on the cases regarding compounding
2. Timeline
a. Questions round
Sunday, 5 May 2019. 12:00 a.m. GMT+0 until Saturday, 11 May 2019 11:59 p.m. GMT+0. Questions will be given by questions - google form. Questions will be opened on Sunday, 5 May 2019. 12:00 a.m. GMT+0
b. Cases round
Sunday, 12 May 2019. 12:00 a.m. GMT+0 until Saturday 18 May 2019 11:59 p.m. GMT+0. Cases will be given by cases - google form. Questions will be opened on Sunday, 5 May 2019. 12:00 a.m. GMT+0
c. Winner Announcement: as soon as possible
3. Competition stages and mechanism
a. Questions round, participants will work on 50 multiple choice questions, 50 True/False questions about compounding and calculations. Question round will be held by filling the multiple choice and T/F question on the questions - google form.
b. Cases round, participants will work on two cases (oral preparation and topical preparation) regarding compounding. Cases round will be held by filling in the worksheet that provided and uploading it on the cases - google form.
4. Points
a. Questions round
True Answer : +1 Point
False answer: -1 Point
No answer : 0 Point
Maximum point: 100 Points
b. Cases round
Each case has a maximum point: 50 point (Listed on each question in cases)
Maximum points: 100 points (2 cases)
5. Terms and Conditions
a. Participants in Compounding Quiz are members of IPSF
b. Compounding Quiz is participated by individual participants
c. Each association is not limited in the number of participants to participate in competition
d. Participants with the highest points in the 2 rounds (questions round and cases round are accumulated) will be winners on compounding quiz
e. If two/more participants have the same score, the score is counted by percentage: Questions round (40%) and Cases Round (60%). If there is also a tie in this round, the winner will be the one who was the fastest to submit their answer
f. By registering as a participant in the Compounding Quiz Competition, participants have been deemed to have agreed to all the provisions, technical and requirements set by the committee.
6. Awards
1st, 2nd, 3rd winner will receive an award certificate
7. Informations
Maxius Gunawan, Compounding Event Coordinator IPSF 2018-19 Email: [email protected]
Whatsapp: +62 89 674 394 949